Weekly Shopping

Saturday is our food shopping day. How about you?


This is the result of our weekly shopping trip.

My parents had roughly the same idea, go shopping once for the week rather than buying everyday, and buy a number or basic goods that can be used for all sorts of recipes. It saves time and money.

In our house, we roughly plan out the next week's menu before we go shopping. We try to stay within a budget, using the same amount of money each week. We visit 3 different shops, buying different products in each.

As an example, one of our purchases today was a package of cheese, 4 squares of 8 grams of cheese, which come in a variety of flavors. Today, we purchased said cheese for 60 yen. Later in the day, visiting another store just by chance, we checked what items they had. The same cheese was selling for over 130 yen.

Frugal means using your money wisely, and not throwing it away.

We eat well during the week, never starve, and have very little waste.

This is our shopping style.

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